June 19, 2020

Understanding Personality at Work

Imagine two employees who join your company. One of them describes herself as outgoing and talkative, preferring group interactions. While you see the other person is reserved and doesn’t talk much unless spoken to, preferring to work independently. From what we understand about basics of personality, the former will be categorized as an extrovert and the latter as an introvert. But what can your company do with this small piece of information in a way that will benefit the organization at large?  

Use of personality assessments at work

As an employer, understanding the personality traits of your employees is best identified using personality tests. A psychometrically sound, that is, a reliable and a valid, personality test gives an accurate description of the characteristics of an individual. Depending on what outcome your company is looking at, irrespective of the industry and organization, there are various personality tools available in the market especially the ones which go beyond categorizing the individual based on their energy level. They do incur a cost to the company but this is an investment which gets easily recovered when your team is able to be more productive and satisfied, which in turn will lead to achieving your business goals faster and more efficiently. But how can you ensure this happens?

How to best use personality assessment at work


Select a role fit candidate

Take the two employees from the beginning of this article for example. If the personality report of the ‘extrovert’ were to elaborate that she is someone who loves to collaborate with others and is also creative, then she could best use her strengths in the branding team of your marketing department. Whereas, if the report of the ‘introvert’ were to reflect his strength in being detail-oriented and logical in his approach, then the research team of your marketing department would be ideal for him. By identifying their strengths, you can help any new entrant in your company fit into the role within your department or even shape their role in any project to utilize their potential.  

Analyse development opportunities of your employees

A personality test does more than just helping you in which role your employee is suited. It also helps your current employees identify the traits which are essential for their job and help them chart an individual development plan with the help of their manager and the assessor. For instance, if your sales team is hesitant in public speaking or networking, they can undergo a specific training program focussed on pitching & building contacts. This will enable them to work on being more socially bold and proactive to be able to deliver their targets on time.  

Retain & engage your employees

In these trying times, you need maximum contribution from your team. You could uncover any hidden potential of your current employees which can prove crucial for your company. If you want to know who can be the best addition to your new product development team, a personality test will help you identify just that. This way you not just help your employees upgrade their skills but also help them add value in case their role has become redundant.  

Prepare your leaders for the next big role

Your leaders would be leading from the frontlines in this VUCA world but what behaviours are hindering them from taking your company to the next level? Using a personality assessment which assesses dysfunctional behaviours that can pose a potential challenge, thereby it can help employers understand the risks and help manage the same proactively. In addition to that, investing in their personal development, which will enable them to better understand themselves and others, will help build strong leaders for your company.   With so many ways to benefit from using personality tests at workplace, it is time your company makes the best use of a comprehensive tool like Psytech International’s 15FQ+ that leads to a more profitable business and an engaged workforce.  

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