November 19, 2018

The wolf woman and her song of life

This is the story of the wolf woman and it probably resonates with the stories of so many other brave and empowered women. We can all agree that as we grow up, we begin to feel that we are not complete. That we are not good enough. Or maybe we are not smart enough, we are not beautiful enough. Our nose. Our eyes. Our complexion. Our ability. Questioned, confidence wavering at every step of the way. But how do we look at ourselves? Do we also focus on the same issues or is there something else? May be the story of the wolf woman will help us set ourselves in a worthwhile direction. It is a North American folklore and is often narrated during the long, winter nights when everyone is huddled around a fire. I’m sure you will like it. Read on…

Sometimes in life, like the wolf woman, we begin our quest to get to the heart of the issues that plague our conscience. And in the quest to answer our questions, we discover our song. Perhaps our songs will not be perfect the first time. But with time, we will get them right. Our song improves and each note will become more melodious than the previous one. We get wiser and more confident with our experiences. So, gather the bare bones, dear women, because at the end of the day maybe you will hit the right notes singing the song of your life.

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